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Monday, April 5, 2010

Understanding Laboratory Waste and Vent Systems

RT @RandDMagazine Understanding laboratory waste and vent systems
Nice basic understanding of laboratory waste systems. We are finding that local neutralization, while requiring more maintenance, is also more desirable by local Officials/AHJ. Additionally, it reduces over-all costs on the piping systems substantially. This approach is not always possible, but should be reviewed at the outset of a project during the engineering planning stages.

I also must add that I do not fully agree with the “Glass Manufacturer’s” comment. In my personal experience, glass is rarely a viable choice because other materials can typically be found that substitute as nicely and have lower budget impact.  Laboratories inherently rarely have the plenum ceilings that make plastic a problem. Localized neutralization in any case limits the lengths of acid waste piping. Glass certainly has its place and should not be dismissed. Matching the application to the materials is the early engineering we need to do.

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